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Interesting Hookah Facts

Hookah is definitely one of the most engaging and thrilling smoking activities. For some, hookah smoking is a daily pleasure, while for others, it is a once-in-a-while indulgence that allows them to unwind and enjoy their time. 

No matter how dedicated you are to hookah smoking, there are certain to be some intriguing facts about hookah that you are unaware of. If you’re curious about it, join us on this voyage through history as we try to uncover some fascinating facts that will help you understand its origins, appeal, and why so many people are drawn to the wonderful world of hookahs. 

What is Hookah? 

While you most likely already know the answer to this question, it’s a good idea to go over the fundamentals first before we get into the meat of the matter. Hookahs are water pipes that are used to smoke custom-made tobacco that comes in a variety of tastes such as coconut, apple, chocolate, and others. 

Interesting hookah facts 

  • Origin of Hookah 

Despite the fact that there are several ideas about the genuine origins of hookah, three stand out the most:  

Indians, Persians, and other natives may have utilised waterpipe smoking as an anaesthetic, according to one theory. The initial “versions” were rudimentary and contained drugs for pain relief. 

A group of experts discovered 14th-century hashish pipes in Africa. These are said to be the prototypes and early variants of contemporary shisha. 

  • Women Smoked Hookah More than Men  

Water pipes were mostly identified with and recognised by women rather than males as they were increasingly widespread across the world during the 19th century. What is the explanation behind this? Preparing for smoking sessions requires some time, which many guys did not have. Furthermore, only ladies from privileged households had the opportunity to smoke hookah in their leisure time.  

  • Rejection was Associated with Bad Manners  

While hookah is now commonly associated with unwinding and having a nice time with friends, it wasn’t always the case. Hookahs used to be a required feature of almost all dinner parties, and declining to smoke was seen as a show of disdain and rudeness toward your host. 

  • Expensive Hookahs 

Hookahs are, by their very nature, simple devices. That hasn’t stopped some artists from creating hookahs that may easily be classified as works of art rather than smoking accessories. 

The most renowned item, for example, was created by Aurentum Switzerland, which collaborated with two excellent artists to produce a one million dollar hookah. The 18cr gold base is embellished with 24cr pieces. Silver is used for the mouthpiece, while Venetian velvet is used for the connecting tubes. 

It goes without saying that you won’t see many people smoking from this item. On the other side, if you don’t want to spend millions but still want a great pipe, there are a slew of de-luxe versions ranging from $2000 to $70000 and beyond.

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